Saturday, August 31, 2019

level 3 business studiesUnit 3 introduction to Marketing P1 Essay

For this assignment I have been asked to do a report on†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦(say what you have been asked to do) The company I chose for this marketing report is kellogs and Nestle. I will first start off by writing about Kellogs. About Kellogs Kellogs is a †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦(Give history of Kellogs and background info) The types of products Kellogs produces are†¦.. (make sure you mention the products kellogs produces and the general target market for these producst E. g. cereals – aimed at consumers aged 5 onwards, can you think of any other products? ) Marketing strategies used by Kellogs Kellogs use a variety of marketing strategies. One of which is the growth strategy which can take many forma s as listed below.. 1. growth strategies (such as diversification, product development, market penetration or market development, Ansoff’s Matrix) I will write about the Growth strategies in greater detail. For Kellogs they use all the following strategies for growth. Growth strategies are: Market penetration – say what it is and how kellogs has used this for one of their products Market development -say what it is and how kellogs has used this for one of their products Product development – say what it is and how kellogs has used this for one of their products Diversification -say what it is and how kellogs has used this for one of their products About Nestle Nestle is a †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦(Give history of Nestle and background info) The types of products Kellogs produces are†¦.. (make sure you mention the products Nestle produces and the general target market for these producst E. g. cereals – aimed at consumers aged 5 onwards, can you think of any other products? ) Marketing strategies used by Nestle Nestle use a variety of marketing strategies. One of which is the growth strategy which can take many forms as as listed below.. 1. growth strategies (such as diversification, product development, market penetration or market development, Ansoff’s Matrix) I will write about the Growth strategies in greater detail. For Nestle they use all the following strategies for growth. Market penetration – say what it is and how Nestle has used this for one of their products Market development -say what it is and how Nestle has used this for one of their products Diversification -say what it is and how Nestle has used this for one of their products Product development -say what it is and how Nestle has used this for one of their products Other marketing strategies for Kellogs Now we will look at survival strategies and relationship marketing because they are other strategies that both nestle and Kellogs use. For kellogs their survival strategies are: survival strategies; Mention in detail Kellogs strategies such as branding (importance in influencing buyer behaviour, brand building, positioning, brand extension) look at resources on the U drive and also search the internet. U:Business StudiesStudentsBTEC Level 3 Sept 2010 onwardsUnit 3 Introduction to MarketingAssignment 1Lesson 3 And another strategy Kellogs use is relationship marketing: relationship marketing Mention definition, difference between transactional marketing and relationship marketing, value of lifetime customer and how Kellogs has used relationship marketing look at resources on the U drive and also search the internet. U:Business StudiesStudentsBTEC Level 3 Sept 2010 onwardsUnit 3 Introduction to MarketingAssignment 1Lesson 3 Other marketing strategies for Nestle Now we will look at survival strategies and relationship marketing because they are other strategies that both nestle and Nestle use. For Nestle their survival strategies are: survival strategies; Mention in detail Nestle strategies such as branding (importance in influencing buyer behaviour, brand building, positioning, brand extension) look at resources on the U drive and also search the internet. U:Business StudiesStudentsBTEC Level 3 Sept 2010 onwardsUnit 3 Introduction to MarketingAssignment 1Lesson 3 And another strategy Nestle use is relationship marketing: relationship marketing Mention the definition, difference between transactional marketing and relationship marketing, value of lifetime customer and how Nestle has used relationship marketing look at resources on the U drive and also search the internet. U:Business StudiesStudentsBTEC Level 3 Sept 2010 onwardsUnit 3 Introduction to MarketingAssignment 1Lesson 3

Friday, August 30, 2019

Focus Group Essay

Qualitative research Definition- it is a research, which is undertaken using an unstructured research, approach with a small number of carefully selected individuals to produce non-quantifiable insights into behavior, motivations and attitudes. Qualitative and quantitative research as two distinctly separate bodies of research – many studies encompass both approaches, with qualitative research being used to explore and understand attitudes and behavior, and quantitative research being used to measure how widespread these attitudes and behaviors are. Qualitative research can be used when managers need exploratory research. Managers use exploratory research to understand customer attitudes, emotions, preferences and behaviors. It can also be used in new product development or creative development research. Individual depth interview It is an interview that is conducted face-to-face, in which the subject matter of the interview is explored in detail using an unstructured and flexible approach. As with all qualitative research, depth interviews are used to develop a deeper understanding d of consumer attitudes and the reasons behind specific behaviors. This understanding is achieved through responding to an individual’s comments with extensive probing. The flexibility of this probing sets this interview approach apart from oter questionnaire-type interviews. Although there is an agenda of topics to be covered, the interviewers will use their knowledge of the research objectives, the information gained from other interviews and the comments of the respondent to select which parts of the dialogue with the respondent to explore further, which to ignore, and which to return to later in the interview. Not only is the depth interview flexible, it is also evolutionary in nature. Focus group Focus groups are depth interviews undertaken with a group of respondents. It is different to individual interviews in the number of respondents and interaction between participants. Several factors affect focus group Recruitment is a very critical element of group discussions and has long been a major quality-control issue in the UK marketing research industry. Group discussions are unlikely to achieve their research objectives if the wrong types of participant are recruited. The research proposal will set out the type of participants required for a group discussion. For example, if Colgate is researching a new type of toothpaste for a sensitive teeth. Their specification may request respondents who regularly purchase toothpaste with sensitive protection function. Respondents age (for example 25-64), living area, etc. Managers can also use Screening questionnaire to identify suitable respondents for its group discussion. The area that respondents are recruited normally should be in street or telephone interviews. The location that group discussions were held should let respondents feel comfortable. Locations such as viewing rooms or hotels for business should have no special facilities apart from audio type recorder. Food or snacks will also be provided to assist in relaxing the atmosphere. Time to hold the discussion should be well scheduled. Times should be available to target group. For example, outside working hours, times of available public transport etc. The number of groups should be 3-4. As the 3rd and 4th group can used to exam atypical views. * There are problems involving focus groups. For example in the case of overlapping dialogues from different speakers which may affect the transcript. * Moderators must learn to control such people and encourage those less willing to speak up and let their opinions be heard. Comparing to traditional group discussion, online group discussion or chat room is becoming popular. Apart from lower cost and possible time-saving, it can allow more people to be involved in observing the research, particularly if it is being carried out in a different region or country. However, a cheaper version of online group discussion or chat room where a group is recruited who are willing to discuss a subject online usually using text. It can be difficult to develop any real group dynamics and it is impossible to see people’s facial expression. Even with webcams, the video picture is usually so poor. Participants may also be distracted by events within their own office or home, as the environment is not under the control of the moderator. However, it may be useful with people who could be unwilling to attend a group discussion because of their geographical dispersal or their introverted nature. Projective techniques Projective techniques are techniques used in group discussions and individual interviews to facilitate a deeper exploration of a respondent’s attitudes towards a concept, product or situation. They enable respondents to express attitudes that they find difficult to verbalize. Projective technique projective techniques may gather ‘richer’ data than do standard questioning and discussion. There are many types of projective techniques. The most common three techniques are projective questioning. It is a projective technique that asks the respondent to consider what other people would think about a situation. An example of this could be â€Å"What do you think people in your street would think if they saw a BMW parked in your driveway?† The advantage of projective questioning is that it usually reflect the opinions of the respondent without causing them any embarrassment. Managers can get more objective answers. Word association tests It is a projective technique that involves asking respondents what brands or products they associate with specific words. In marketing research, word association is typically used in conjunction with brand names or celerity endorsers. This can assist marketers in developing communication objectives and strategies to position or differentiate their brands from those of competitors. In addition to the direct outputs of word association, the technique is also very useful as a way of warming up a group by getting everybody contributing and involved. Brand personalities Brand personalities involve respondents imagining a brand a person and describing their looks, clothes. Lifestyles, employment etc. For example, if ‘Nokia’ was a person, what type of person would he or she be? The answer could be such as a modern, relatively young slightly quirky male. This could compare with other brands. Developing brand personification can help to verbalize the imagery and vocabulary associated with the brand. Sentence completion Sentence completion involves providing respondents with an incomplete sentence or group of sentences. Respondents are then asked to complete them. For example, ‘Tesco, as a supermarket, is†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ in many way, sentence completion is similar to word associations, although it can enable researcher to put the respondent’s thinking process into a proper context. Observation research Observation is a data-gathering approach where information on the behavior of people, objects and organizations is collected without any questions being asked of the participants. Observation can take a quantitative format where a large number of events or people are observed and the outputs are analyzed using statistical method. The major advantage of it over surveys of respondents is that the data collected do not have inaccuracies as a result of memory error or social desire bias. The data recorded reflect the actual behavior that took place. For example, video record gives a true representation of rental behavior. Observation overcomes the high refusal rates that may exist for some survey research. However, observation cannot investigate reasons behind behavior. Also, only public behavior is observed. Examples of what can be observed are consumers behavior in store, family consuming behavior at home, comments on the internet. Typical methods of observation are internet monitoring (club card, cookies), in-store observations (CCTV), mystery shopping(researchers participant into observation to look at process not the outcome of number of satisfaction), content analysis(how many time that the word appear in the article), ethnography(could be costly and have ethical issues). Ethical problem Questionnaire A questionnaire is the research instrument designed to generate the data necessary for accomplishing a project’s research objectives. Questionnaires have advantages over some other types of surveys in that they are cheap, do not require as much effort from the questioner as focus group, and often have standardized answers that make it simple to compile data. However, questionnaires also have many of the same problems relating to question construction and wording. The effect of questionnaire might also limited by the location that respondents do the questionnaire. For example, respondents who did questionnaire in high street could be affected by noise. There are many types of questionnaire. There are open-ended question, closed question, scaling questions. There are many factors when comparing Focus group, depth interviews, projective techniques, observation and questionnaire. In terms of degree of structure, focus group are relatively high as managers will guide and control the whole discussion until all tasks are finished. In terms of probing of individual respondents, depth interviews are high and focus group and questionnaire are low. Moderator bias in depth interviews are high and others are medium. Observation has none effects in terms of both probing of individual respondents and moderator bias. Focus group is also high in discovering innovative information. Projective techniques and observation are high in uncovering subconscious information and obtaining sensitive information. Questionnaire and projective techniques are involving unusual behavior or questioning.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Instructional Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Instructional Leadership - Essay Example In contemporary perspective, the definition of instructional leadership includes classic analysis of professional development by putting a special emphasis on the usage of data in order to make decisions (King, 2002). Focus on the implication has significantly been shifted from teaching to learning, hence few researchers prefer to define it as 'learning leader' over 'instructional leader' (DuFour, 2002). This paper aims at defining the role of principal as an instructional leader in school setting. At the onset of the revolution of instructional leadership it was primarily principal-centred, often associated with images of epic leaders who by himself could put the school on track. Many researchers documented principals as the 'principle learning officer' who holds the absolute liability for accomplishment or failure of a system in question (Bottoms & O'Neill, 2001). School principals are being to focus their efforts on the core business of schooling on the basis of teaching and learning. Instructional leadership, in consideration of the wider array of formal as well as informal leadership roles, is not only confined to the activity of principal, leading to the central role in moving the prominence of school activity more unswervingly on instructional enhancements, in turn, directed towards improvement in student learning process and performance. An efficient instructional leadership involves in curricular and instructional concerns in an intensified fashion that unswervingly influence student accomplishment (Cotton, 2003). This is aligned with the studies conducted by various researchers, additionally confirming the extension of the significance of the role beyond the scope of the school principal in practice by involving other leaders as well (King, 2002; Elmore, 2000; Spillane, Halverson, and Diamond, 2000). The instructional leadership includes the responsibility to prioritize, align, assess, monitor and learn in order to accomplish student outcomes. Role of Principals as an Instructional Leader Several researchers confirmed that principals who put special emphasis on academics as a priority experience may lead to an increase in student accomplishment (Bartell, 1990; Cotton, 2000; Johnson & Asera, 1999; Short & Spencer, 1990). Principals typically reserve sufficient freedom in establishing priorities within the school setting. By keeping the instructional improvement at the top level priority, principals can essentially organize the major concerns to be addressed appropriately such as primary grade reading instructions. Principals must communicate upon teachers the significance of alignment of curriculum, assessment and instruction to the standard by virtue of guiding the teachers to employ effective alignment practices. While considering the assessment aspect, it can be mentioned that administration, scoring, reporting as well as perfect usage of analytical information can be put under significant consideration by the school leader as central to the enhanced student accompl ishment. This is principal's job to analyze the information in order to administer decisions regarding policy, programs, as well as professional development. Monitoring or consistent observation is one of the central responsibilities of a principal. Once the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Strategic Management - Essay Example Finally, the firms also need to focus on converting their designed strategies into action, so as to leverage the maximum advantage available in the marketplace. Strategic Position It has to be the said that the strategic position of a company highlights the position of the company in regards to its existing competitors in a specific market. The strategic and competitive position of a company can be best explained by using the broad differentiation business model. Source: Hill & Jones, 2012, p. 181 It has to be said that this model categorizes companies into three groups like differentiators, broad differentiators as well as cost leaders. Talking in a detailed manner, it has to be said that the companies that belong to the differentiator category tries to gain the maximum amount of advantage from the market by trying to distinguish its product and service offerings in regards to its competitors. While talking about broad differentiators, it is of high relevance to mention the fact tha t these group of companies fall in the middle region of the model. It has to be said that the typical behaviour of these group of companies comprises of designing of business strategies that helps in better discrimination of their products as well as effective lowering of the cost structures (Hill & Jones, 2012, p. 180). These category of companies focuses on operating on a specific region since it provides the companies with a significant competitive advantage in regards to designing their strategies on the lines of effective segmentation, targeting and positioning. This particular fact also helps the company to attain a decrease in the price of its products and services. Finally, while commenting on the companies that fall in the category of cost leaders, it can be... This essay stresses that the inter relation that exists between strategic position, strategic choice and the process of converting strategy into action can be best explained by discussing US based organization Southwest Airlines. It can be said that the Dallas based carrier is highly popular in the domestic market of US because of its low-cost pricing of its passenger aviation services. Talking about the strategic position of the company, it can be said that the company has positioned itself as the most efficient low-cost carrier in the market of US. Hence, it can be said that the America based airline company has utilized the tactic of using cost leadership to gain a foothold in the market. This paper makes a conclusion that while discussing the company’s method of implementing the low-cost strategy into action, attention has to be given to the nature of allocation and management of the essential resources of the company. In order to extract optimum utilization of the company ’s high-value assets, the company revised the frequency of flights to various routes on the basis of the consumer demand. Also, the company’s decision to cater to secondary airports resulted in reducing the ground time for the airlines, thereby boosting up both productivity as well as profitability (Hill and Jones, 2009, p. 105).

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Writing a Good Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Writing a Good - Research Paper Example Before carrying out the actual research it is of utmost importance for one to acquire permission from the relevant authorities for them to carry out the research. I the above example, one should get permission from the officer in charge of the specific police department. Describing the purpose of the research paper follows by illustrating and the problem and showing its significance. This is best done by using an interesting example. The problem should be presented in form of a question which is to be answered by the final outcome of the research paper. After describing the purpose of the research paper, it is important to define complex terms, vocabulary, and concepts that will be used throughout the paper since the research may be used by people who are not familiar with such terms. For instance, one can use clearly defined foot notes when giving definitions. This helps to maintain the structure and the flow of the research paper. Before continuing with the research paper, it is ad vised for students to review the scene, topic and problem with their supervisor or teacher by showing them their introduction in order to very if they are on the right course. 2) Literature Review Literature review involves analyzing of secondary sources that touch on the issue being raised by the research paper. When approaching literature review one should use credible academic journals, scholarly article, reports, books, and other research papers that touch on the field of study that one is about to write a research paper on (Online Writing Lab 2004). There is no one definite way of carrying out literature review when writing a research paper. It depend on the referencing style n which on is using that is American Psychology Association... Writing a Good Research Paper In the field of psychology, trends, theories and approaches have changed and new ones emerged from time to time. In fact, new approaches to various issues in psychology have emerged in almost every decade. This being so, there has been the need for scholars and professionals in the field to undertake research on the ground in order for them to identify problems or test whether these new approaches really work. As a result this has created the crucial need for research papers in the field of psychology. This paper will identify and discuss the key elements of a good research paper which are introduction, literature review, hypothesis, methodologies, results, discussion, conclusion, and references. It will also discuss further on the process of writing a god research paper. 1) Introduction When writing a research paper, one should start of by generally describing and introducing the topic. This should be done by establishing how the topics in question fit and relates to the field of st udy. For instance, if one is intending to write a research paper on the effects of substance and drug abuse among law enforcement personnel, then one should explain what is drug and substance abuse and how it is related with law enforcement. It is important to understand that a research paper is not an essay. Hence, the given format must be followed in order for one to illustrate the research undertaken for others to understand and comprehend.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Learning Styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Learning Styles - Essay Example I think that everyone should know the way they learn. However, if an individual does not know how they learn they may find it a struggle to learn. They may be trying to learn the wrong way they may make them become frustrated and give up. When I was in high school I was not a good student. I received c’s and d’s. I was trying but l did not have anyone to show me how to learn so I gave up. It was not until I went to collage that I learned how to learn. Now I love to learn and I try to learn from different sources (LeFever, 2003). In taking the learning inventory I have found that there are few techniques that I have not tried; such as using graphics, tables, and spreadsheets to organize material, walk back and forth, and reading out loud. I would also like to try using things in my home and on the street to memory things. Throughout, my collage learning experiment I have learned not to give up. If I cannot learn in one way there are always ten other ways to try to learn the material (LeFever,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Cognitive dissonance theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cognitive dissonance theory - Essay Example Cognitive dissonance is a term employed to describe the state of having two or more conflicting cognitions simultaneously, as people  experience new information in the context of their pre-existing knowledge (Festinger 10). Individuals experience psychological discomfort when they encounter information that challenges their beliefs or behavior. Discussion Cognitive dissonance theory pursues to explain how individuals minimize psychological discomfort and attain emotional equilibrium in the face of conflicting behaviors or beliefs. Cognitive dissonance theory (1957) holds that there are predictable responses that shape individual’s experience of discomfort or dissonance. Festinger advanced that if the new events or information support the pre-held beliefs, then the individual feels supported as the fresh stimuli is in harmony with the individual’s prior knowledge, referred to as a state of consonance. Individuals may accept the information as accurate but decline to ma ke changes; individuals may also accept the information as accurate and make appropriate changes (Festinger 12). Similarly, individuals may attack the messenger as incredible, or rationalize the information in a manner that relieves the discomfort. The theory of cognitive dissonance in communication purposes that a communicator carries around a wealthy assortment of cognitive elements such as attitudes, knowledge, perceptions, and behaviors. Cognitions, in this case, detail bits of knowledge in their simplest form pertaining variety of thoughts, facts, attitudes, behaviors, perceptions, emotions, and values. Thus, people experience the pressure to change when undertaking things that they know are uncomfortable for them. What is consonant or dissonant for one individual may not necessarily be the case for another person. This hinges fundamentally on what is consistent or inconsistent within an individual’s psychological system. The cognitive elements that people hold act as an interrelated system whereby every element (cognitions) relate to one another in three ways; null or irrelevant, consistent or consonant, and dissonant/inconsistent relationship (Festinger 14). Cognitive system in this case represents a multifaceted interrelating set of beliefs, values, and attitudes that influence and affect behavior. When dissonance occurs, individuals may change their behavior, justify their behavior by altering the conflicting cognition, or justify their behavior by adding fresh cognitions. Festinger noted that the experience of dissonance hinges on three factors; the number of consonant elements, the number of dissonant elements, and the significance of each element (Perry 154). A significant dissonant belief  results to a considerable cognitive dissonant compared to a less significant dissonant belief. Dissonance produces a tension or stress, which in turn creates pressure to change whereby the higher the dissonance, the higher the pressure to change. Tensio n reduction is automatically pursued by altering one’s evaluations by a certain degree. An individual opts to downplay the other so as to assure him/herself. In instances where there is dissonance, individuals attempt to minimize it, besides tending to avoid circumstances that cause additional dissonance. Leon Festinger (1919-1990) Leon Festinger was a social psychologist who  advanced that individuals often experience a distressing mental state when they undertake things that contradict their opinions, or what they know. The

Friday, August 23, 2019

President Reagan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

President Reagan - Essay Example President Reagan was a firm believer in this methodology and almost immediately set to work on dismantling government entitlement programs when he signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA). OBRA served to cut federal funding programs for the poor as well as inducements for states to provide funding. Unfortunately, cutting funding for programs was not enough to revolutionize the welfare programs in the way that conservative ideologues desired. In order to completely undermine the progressive system of entitlements to the poor, the Reagan administration began to use tax reform as a method of undercutting welfare. By cutting taxes and instituting such concepts as the Earned Income Credit, Reagan gave the appearance of helping poor families, but the tax cut gains hardly made up for the loss in benefits the poor no longer received because of cuts and changes to entitlement programs. Throughout the Reagan presidency, cuts and rollbacks to welfare programs were systematically enacted even as the income gap between the richest and poorest Americans reached peak proportions. While the wealthy were benefiting from tax cuts, the poor were actually losing ground because of them.

Roman Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Roman Art - Essay Example ially the Archaic period had several rigid rules of representation to be adhered to, and although they changed over time during that period, the beginnings were strict. In the sculpture of standing figures what has been termed the â€Å"law of frontality† was enforced till almost the end of the sixth century. This placement consisted of the figures being posed looking straight ahead, standing straight, the eyes often appeared more bulbous, never truly sunken in and the ears were usually placed for esthetic purpose and not for anatomical correctness, usually being placed too high on the head. Even the hair was arranged in an almost geometrical pattern like style. (Chase 46) We see the law of frotnality readily apparent in both figures. The stance of Hercules is perhaps more naturalistic and relaxed and does not have the left foot forward. However, the Wounded Warrior does and is more representational of the Archaic Style. Notably and fortunately missing from this period are some of the other Archaic element. The Roman art made correction for anatomy and the figures ears and eyes are more in proportion with their figures as well as being anatomically correct. Another feature that has been lost ois what was termed the â€Å"Archaic Smile† of this period in Greek sculpture (Chase 47) This smile is a rather too happy sort of smile that one might not expect from the more stoic aspects of this period. It seems often out of place and unnatural. Many critics felt that this was simply an attempt by the artist of the time to add some personality or expression to the face. The Roman art lost this appellation and created more natural figure. There is an overall more natural state, the figure and the face seem to be responding to their environment and are not contrived or artificially posed as in the Greek Archaic styles. The Wounded Warrior is actually a copy made of a Greek original from the Archaic period of the fifth century. At first it seems that the warrior

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay Example for Free

Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay Dear Mr. Doerflinger[1], In response to your article on Embryonic Stem Cell Research, I would like to point out that man’s war against disease, has recently advanced dramatically through the introduction of such techniques as pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), and has been instrumental in both saving lives and preventing disease. This approach, which has already been used to fight such disorders as Huntington’s disease, cystic fibrosis, and more recently, cancer, opens the way for undreamt of possibilities concerning both the future diagnoses of different diseases, and their subsequent treatments (Genetic Engineering, 2007). Throughout the world, thousands of children are born with life-threatening diseases and conditions, which man, through genetic science, is now potentially capable of either treating, or maybe even entirely eliminating. By allowing genetic scientists the necessary freedom to continue with research, and to use the recent advancements that science has acheived in embryo screening, future generations will be able to live longer and healthier lives (Bionet, 2007). Within your statement you claim that â€Å"More than two decades of research using mouse embryonic stem cells have produced no treatments . that are safe or effective enough for anyone to propose in humans. These cells have not helped a single human being† (Richard M. Doerflinger, 2007). However, in recent years genetic science has already saved, and changed, the lives of many, giving hope to families facing desperate situations. Adam Nash’s birth, in August 2000, is just one example, which so clearly demonstrates the beginning of a whole new adventure that is just beginning to open before man. Adam’s embryo was chosen after having been screened for Fanconi anemia (FA), which is a rare, and often fatal, congenital blood disorder, due to the fact that Adam’s parents’ were both carriers of the disease. They already had one child, Molly, who had been born with the rare blood disorder, and the Nash’s wanted a sibling for their little girl but one who was not inflicted with the same disorder. However, doctors, through the use of PGD, were able to find an embryo with tissue that matched Molly’s, which led to their daughter being cured. For the first time in medical history doctors â€Å"blended the sciences of in vitro fertilisation, stem cells, and genetic screening† (, 2005). One-day-old embryos were tested for FA’s genetic code, and healthy ones were further screened for a tissue match. The embryo was then transplanted into Lisa Nash’s womb and immediately after Adam’s birth blood was removed from the umbilical cord. This was then used for the critical, life-saving transplant. Today both Molly and Adam Nash are healthy, normal children that can, along with their parents, look ahead with confidence (ScienCentralNews, 2004). Clearly research is needed to determine whether the use of embryos is murder, and restrictions enforced to ensure that asthetic choices, such as gender and appearence, are not permitted. But medical sicence isn’t interested in obtaining perfect babies, its objective is curing and preventing disease. Therefore, scientific research in this field to should be continued to advance the human race, especially if he is to make any headway in understanding the nature of disease, its origins and its cure. And, although there is a need to address both the ethical and social questions that have been raised by those who fear the posibility of ‘designer babies’, medical science must be allowed to progress, if we are ever to successfully combat diseases and conditions that both wreck lives, and kill human beings (Caroline Mackie Ogilvie, 2007). The likely possibilities are immense; but genes offering protection against fatal and crippling diseases are not the only benefits of this incredible medical advancement. There are also genes that enhance intelligence, the five senses, beauty, and almost every other aspect of man, which opens up other avenues of exploration. Many animals, for example, possess skills and senses that humans don’t have such as better hearing, or leg regeneration. In the future it may be possible, through gene identification, to incorporate these functions into humans (GMO, 2007), and use them to heal conditions such as deafness, or in limb replacement. It is clear that ethical and social questions concerning the future use of genetic engineering within modern society will need to be addressed. While appropriate democratic laws and structures will hopefully reflect a considered and balance view of the importance of genetic medicine for future generations, such measures should not be allowed to interfere with future scientific research. References, Online Article, The Miracle of Molly, 2005. Information retrieved 03/27/2007. Bionet: Explore life science and debate the issues, Online Article, Design-a-Baby? 2007.   Page Downloaded 03/12/2007. Caroline Mackie Ogilvie, et al., Online Article, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis—An Overview, 2007. Page downloaded 03/19/2007. Genetic Engineering, Joà £o Pedro de Magalhà £es, Online Article, Defining Our Children’s Traits, 2007. 19k GMO: Genetic Engineering, Online Article, Designer Baby Ethics, 2007. Page downloaded 03/19/2007. 9 Richard M. Doerflinger, The Ethics Religious Liberty Comission, Online Article,   Testimony of Richard M. Doerflinger on Embryonic Stem Cell Research, 2004.   Page downloaded 03/19/2007.    ScienCentralNews, Online Article, Stem Cell Siblings, 2004. Page downloaded 03/19/2007. [1] Audience: Richard M. Doerflinger is Deputy Director of the Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, where he has worked for 25 years. Among his duties is the preparation of policy statements and congressional testimony on abortion, euthanasia, embryo research, human cloning, and other medical-moral issues for the bishops’ conference.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Evolution Of The Bric Countries And Their Future Economics Essay

Evolution Of The Bric Countries And Their Future Economics Essay Q1) Map the proposed sequence of evolution of the economy of the BRICS. What indicators might companies monitor to guide their investment and organize their local market operations? In 2001 the Goldman Sachs global economic team in their paper Dreaming with BRICs: The Path to 2050 developed the BRIC theory that groups together the economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRICs). These countries look set to become the dominant economies by 2050. The BRICS have experienced a lot of changes in their economies. Around the middle of the 20th century China witnessed its communist revolution, India became independent, Brazil was controlled by the military for 21 years and Russia came out of the Second World War as a major rival to the US. This was just the starting point for the BRIC economies. Brazil During the financial crisis, Brazil remained very strong and its early recovery, including 2010 growth of 7.5%, has contributed to the countrys transition from a regional to a global power. ( The economy is the worlds eighth-largest and is expected to rise to fifth within the next several years. Brazil is classified as an upper-middle-income country with a GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬973 billion. During the administration of former President Lula, surging exports, economic growth and social programs helped lift tens of millions of Brazilians out of poverty. For the first time, a majority of Brazilians are now middle-class, and domestic consumption has become an important driver of Brazilian growth. The economy of Brazil is characterised by large well developed agricultural, mining, manufacturing sectors and service sectors. The services sector takes the biggest share of their economy (66% of GDP), supplying services for the domestic economy mainly. Brazil has enjoyed sustained economic growth since the year 2004, which has increased the rate of employment and real wages. After an economic growth in 2007 and 2008, the global financial crisis finally hit Brazil however Brazil was one of the first emerging markets to stage a recovery, with GDP growth returning to positive levels. Brazil is becoming a global power like the other BRIC nations. There are a number of reasons for this. Brazil is involved in major manufacturing industries such as aerospace, bio-ethanol and auto-motives. Since 2004, a more outward look policy has been implemented by the government, promoting exports and fostering technological development to increase international competitiveness. In 2008, additional tax incentives for investment, RD and exports were introduced. Since 2003, Brazil has made progress towards putting in place the foundations for growth, with particular emphasis on achieving economic stability. Stabilisation has paid off: inflation has fallen and some progress has been made on reducing the public debt. However, stabilisation has come at a high price. Real GDP growth has averaged only 2.7% since 2003, with the adjustment explaining in part why actual growth rates were lower than the rate of 3.7% used in our BRICs studies. The future for Brazil will be very interesting to see. According to Goldman Sachs, over the next 50 years, Brazils GDP growth rate averages 3.6%. The size of Brazils economy overtakes Italy by 2025, France by 2031 and the UK and Germany by 2036. According to Sachs, Brazil will remain an important destination for fixed income, equities and direct foreign investment inflows, because of the high carry trade, the value of the embedded option on growth, and its sound macroeconomic policies and external credit fundamentals. Brazil is generally open to and encourages foreign investment. It is the largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Latin America, and the United States is traditionally the top foreign investor in Brazil. Since domestic savings are not sufficient to sustain long-term high growth rates, Brazil must continue to attract FDI, especially as the government plans to invest billions of dollars in off-shore oil, nuclear power, and other infrastructure sectors over the next few years. The major international athletic competitions that Brazil will host every year until the 2016 Rio Olympics are also leading the government to invest in roads, airports, sports facilities, and other areas. Russia Russia is currently the 6th largest economy in the world in terms of purchasing power. They are the worlds 2nd largest oil producing country with up to 14% of world proved oil in reserves and 36% of world gas reserves. A lot has happened in Russia in the last 10 to 20 years. The Russian economy underwent tremendous stress in the 1990s as it moved from a centrally planned economy to a free market system. Difficulties in implementing fiscal reforms aimed at raising government revenues and a dependence on short-term borrowing to finance budget deficits led to a serious financial crisis in 1998. Lower prices for Russias major export earners (oil and minerals) and a loss of investor confidence due to the Asian financial crisis exacerbated financial problems. The result was a rapid and steep decline (60%) in the value of the ruble, flight of foreign investment, delayed payments on sovereign and private debts, a breakdown of commercial transactions through the banking system, and the threat of runaway inflation. With oil prices low and the economy in a deep recession, the government was unable to collect taxes to cover its large expenditure commitments. The government embarked on a rapid privatisation of state-owned assets, in a struggle for control of the most valuable assets. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the world community supported a plan of economic reform. However in 1992 Russia became plagued with serious poverty and political conflict. This hampered their efforts for global reform. Despite all the pitfalls, there has been significant growth in their economy in recent years. In fact the Russian economy has been booming in the past decade Russian GDP growth exceeded 8% in 2007; even in 2008, when the global financial turmoil started to bite, GDP growth still reached 5.6%. During the past five years, real GDP increased by more than 40%. 2010 saw Russias economy return to growth with a 3.8% increase in GDP. Russias Economic Development Ministry predicts that the nations GDP will grow 4.2% in 2011. In 2007, a new long-term development programme and a new industrial policy, respectively, was launched, aiming at the diversification of the production structure towards (high-tech) manufacturing by improving the investment climate, promoting public private partnership and investing more in infrastructure. From essentially a government led and government controlled economy to something of a more free market base and international trading economy was the starting point towards the Russian economy which we see today. Russia is now an emerging market worthy of the same breath as the other BRIC nations. The success in Russia can be seen through companies investing here. Examples of Russian investments include Novartis who have committed $500 million to be invested over a 5 year period. The centrepiece of this agreement is the creation of a manufacturing plant in St. Petersburg. Foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2009 fell to less than $40 billion after reaching an all-time high of $75 billion in 2008. Much of the FDI in recent years was Russian capital. Moreover, although the annual flow of FDI into Russia was in line with those of China, India, and Brazil, Russias per capita cumulative FDI lagged far behind such countries as Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic. Most foreign mergers and acquisitions in 2009 were in the politically sensitive energy sector, largely because of the huge capital requirements required relative to other sectors. By the end of 2010, analysts predicted that the total FDI for the year would again top $40 billion, but not reach the levels seen in 2008. (Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, 2011) India India has fared the global financial crisis remarkably well. Despite the 2008-2009 downturn, the government expects the annual GDP  growth to return to around 9%. Indias population is estimated at more than 1.1 billion and is growing at 1.55% a year. It has the worlds 12th largest economyand the third largest in Asia behind Japan and Chinawith total GDP in 2008 of around $1.21 trillion ($1,210 billion). Services, industry, and agriculture account for 54%, 29%, and 18% of GDP. Since 2003, India has been one of the fastest major growing economies in the world. Its economic development is essentially service-led, supported by exports of services (especially IT-enabled services); manufacturing exports are relatively small and are concentrated on a few sectors only. India is capitalizing on its large numbers of well-educated people skilled in the English language to become a major exporter of software services and software workers, but more than half of the population depends on agriculture for its livelihood. India continues to move forward with economic reforms that began in 1991. Reforms include foreign investment and exchange regimes, industrial decontrol, reductions in tariffs and other trade barriers, opening and modernization of the financial sector, significant adjustments in government monetary and fiscal policies, and more safeguards for intellectual property rights. The economy has posted an average growth rate of more than 7% in the decade since 1997, reducing poverty by about 10 percent. India achieved 9.6% GDP growth in 2006, 9.0% in 2007, and 6.6% in 2008, significantly expanding manufactures through late 2008. Growth for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2009 was initially expected to be between 8.5-9.0%, but has been revised downward by a number of economists to 7.0% or less because of the financial crisis and resulting global economic slowdown. However economic growth is hampered by inadequate infrastructure, bureaucracy, corruption, low wages, regulatory and foreign investment controls. India  could become the worlds  third largest economy  by purchasing power parity (PPP), overtaking  Japan  in 2012.  This would be almost 20 years ahead of Goldman Sachs projection of 2032 in its BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) report.   India is also expected to grow faster than  China  after 2020. China, which was projected to become the worlds largest economy by 2041, now looks set to achieve the distinction sometime around 2020. Foreign investment is particularly sought after in power generation, telecommunications, ports, roads, petroleum exploration/processing, and mining. Indias external debt was nearly $230 billion by the end of 2008, up from $126 billion in 2005-2006. Foreign assistance was approximately $3 billion in 2006-2007, with the United States providing about $126 million in development assistance. The World Bank plans to double aid to India to almost $3 billion a year, with focus on infrastructure, education, health, and rural livelihoods. China China is seen as the most continuous civilisation in history, not just in terms of politics but also in terms of cultural continuity. The country has a tragic history marked by economic decline, political instability, military humiliation and social regression. China was seen as an economic disaster. This is not only due to the Civil War and Japanese invasion but also due to the plans of the Cultural Revolution. Between the end of the 18th century and the 1960s, Chinas GDP fell from nearly one third of the worlds GDP to less than 5% and only managed to recover in the 2000s. Between 1976 and 2004, China achieved an average GDP growth rate of 9.6%. No other country has experienced such a rapid increase in living standards and working conditions. (Overholt, 2005) Now we have a China that supports economic reform and a China that joins the IMF (International Monetary Fund), World Bank and WTO (World Trade Organisation). But more importantly we have a China that believes in political stability, free trade and free investment. The success of China can be associated with liberalisation and globalisation. In 2004 international trade accounted for 70 percent of Chinas GDP, as compared with 24 percent for Japan. Chinas economic development is driven by manufacturing exports and by investments. (Including infrastructure) Foreign Direct Investment plays an important role, especially for exports. Recently outward FDI, mainly to secure raw materials, has been increasing. Although generating fast growth for over 30 years, the Chinese economic system has come under criticism recently because of rising income inequalities, rapidly increasing energy demands and external imbalances. (O Regan Herciu, 2010) China has also established competition as a very important economic practice. (Failoa, 2009) By incorporating local brands into Chinese local culture it has given China a competitive advantage over countries that are less educated. Education is very important in a nations competitive advantage. It is easier to start operations in a nation with a trained workforce, than in nations where time-consuming and costly training is necessary. China has had great success in promoting first, second and third level education. In fact it is the success of China that is influencing its neighbors like India. India has learned from China the advantages of a more economy open economy. Chinese growth has brought American companies new markets. Their booming economy has attracted firms from Europe, North America, and Asia that are eager to sell their products to the countrys 1.2 billion resident. (Griffin and Pustay, 2005) Like the other BRIC nations, China also faces challenges for the future. In order for China to continue to be recognized internationally as a global power it must reform its areas on human rights. It must also continue to reform state run enterprises. Currently Chinas banking system is the worst in the world. Other than that the future of globalization for China is looking very bright. As Napoleon Bonaparte once said 200 years ago let China sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world. (Wolf, 2006). These large emerging economies are playing a huge role in the world economy. The BRICS economies are on the verge of the rapid growth of their consumer markets. (Experience indicates that consumer demand takes off when GNI per capita reaches levels between $3,000 and $10,000 per year.) In Russia there is already significant evidence of the growth of consumerism during the past decade. There are also early signs of similar trends in China and India, where the growth of their middle classes is very rapid. It is expected that within a decade or so, each of the BRICs will show higher returns, increased demand for capital, and stronger national currencies. Rising incomes in the BRICs nations will create a new middle consumer class. Growth in the middle class will be led by China, where number of people entering the middle class is accepted to peak during this decade. Meanwhile, middle class growth in India will accelerate throughout this decade. As China and India are the worlds two most populous countries, rising incomes there will have much greater impact on global demand than any other countries could. Other BRICs (and other emerging markets) will also see a rising middle class in the next decade, and should also see a rising upper class. With the explosion of the middle classes, spending patterns are likely to change. Thus, foreign firms will want to monitor major economic indicators such as GNI (Gross National Income), PPP (Purchasing Power Parity), and the Human Development Index, as well as developments in the cultural, political, and legal environments of those nations in order to guide their investments and organise their local market operations. Q2) What are the implications of the emergence of the BRICs to careers and companies in your country? The implications of the emergence of the BRICs to careers and companies can be analysed by looking at the opportunities and threats for Ireland. In the last year, Ireland like many other countries has been affected by the global economic crisis. The emergence of the BRIC countries can offer huge benefits for Ireland and the BRIC countries can gain a lot by interacting with Ireland. Research shows that the BRIC countries struggle with innovation due to shortages of human capital, limited access to the latest technology, and limited access to capital. These disadvantages can be overcome by the BRICs interacting with countries that do have access to an innovative and highly skilled work-force, lime Ireland. During this time of global financial turmoil, emerging markets will be the main driver of economic growth in future years. Currently the BRIC nations offer some of the most exciting investment opportunities in the world. However, according to figures from the Central Statistics Office, from January 2008 to Oct 2010, the share of Irish trade with the BRICs constituted less that 4% of our overall external trade. (Central Statistics Office) Yet, in terms of potential growth and income, the BRICs represent an opportunity for Ireland. Ireland has a solid reputation for being business friendly to foreign investors as it seeks to attract investment to create jobs. Ireland has the potential to further grow our existing key markets in high-growth and high-potential markets, such as Brazil, Russia, India and China. Key strengths for Ireland include our strong entrepreneurial culture, an educated and highly skilled workforce, a favourable taxation regime, EU membership, our track record in attracting FDI, our strong indigenous sector, and our reputation as a premium tourist destination. Key challenges are in the areas of cost competitiveness, access, transport links, telecommunications infrastructure and banking links. The BRIC group of countries will play an important role in Irelands trade, investment and tourism strategy for the years ahead, reflecting changes in the global economy. In order to create jobs in Ireland, it may be necessary to engage in ventures with, and in the other BRIC nations, firstly, Brazil. ( Despite Brazils economic success, it is fair to say that the level of trade and investment between Brazil and Ireland does not match the potential of both countries. In fact, while total trade reached US$ 202 billion between January and October 2009, bilateral trade was only US$ 670 million (US$ 265 million exports from Brazil and US$ 404 million imports from Ireland). As export-led growth is the only sustainable route for Ireland, the growing Brazilian demand and the valuation of the Real (Brazils national currency) will certainly ensure high levels of imports in the coming years. On the other hand, Brazil is an important and competitive world supplier of both manufactured and primary goods, as well as a significant service provider. Therefore, more could enter the Irish market. (The Embassy of Brazil in Ireland, 2011) Enterprise Irelands trade mission to Brazil back in November 2010 is an example of the successful relationship between the two countries. The trade mission had brought 34 Irish companies to Brazil with an aim to increase export sales to this vast market. Enterprise Ireland said the country holds huge business opportunities for Irish firms as Brazil is in the middle of major modernisation, infrastructure and development projects. Some examples of Irish companies setting up in Brazil include, Louth Company, Suretank. This company won a contract worth à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬900,000 to supply its cargo carrying units to ISEW, a major supplier of tanks and containers to the oil and gas exploration industry. Also Monaghans Combilift has secured a deal valued at à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬800,000 with Brazilian steel giant Gerdau. Not only are Brazil gaining foreign investment but they are also gaining valuable expertise from Ireland. Its important that Ireland keep up this relationship with Brazil and if there are more opportunities for companies to open new markets, they should. Russia is Europes largest emerging market and the 11th largest economy in the world and continues to offer opportunities to Irish companies. It is a key export market for Irish businesses in sectors such as ICT, engineering, aviation and aerospace, education and training, the life sciences, construction and building services and food and beverages. With the rapid emergence of Russia as one of the BRICs, Ireland continues to benefit from this with more companies both Russian and Irish locating here and in Russia, providing many jobs in different sectors of Industry. Irish companies are responding to the worldwide economic slowdown by actively developing opportunities in new markets. While Russia has not been immune to the current economic difficulties, the continued economic development of Russia has resulted in a much wider range of business and commercial opportunities for Irish companies. Irish exports to Russia continue to grow year-on-year and combined exports of goods and service are now over à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1.3bn. Irish-owned SMEs export more to Russia than any of the other BRIC countries. According to Enterprise Irelands Head of International Sales and Partnering Gerry Murphy, there are particular opportunities for RD collaboration between the two countries, Ireland and Russia have a very similar national research and development goals, with a strong focus on funding research in nanotechnology, life sciences and ICT. There is considerable scope for Irish educational institutions to build linkages with Russian universities in joint programmes and the commercialisation of Russian RD. Such linkages could benefit both Ireland and Russia, as both countries continue to build knowledge-based economies. (Enterprise Ireland, 2009) It is vital, Ireland continue its trade links with Russia. This relationship will offer huge employment opportunities for people in Ireland and Russia. The political relationship between both countries also contributes to the deepening of the trade-economic cooperation. (Russia IC, 2008) Like the other BRIC countries, India also offers some opportunities to Irish companies and careers. India is a land of opportunity for Irish software and IT companies. Significant potential exists for increasing trade between Ireland and India particularly through software, information technology and e-Business partnerships. India is not only a major market in itself for Irish business but it is also seen by Irish companies as offering an excellent opportunity for developing business, products and markets internationally. Many Irish companies are taking a greater interest in India and Indian companies are also looking towards Ireland. India could provide a safety valve for the Irish Software industry which is currently experiencing a skills shortage in certain disciplines. However Ireland has to compete with the United States and other countries for this talent. The government of Ireland has identified India as a country in Irelands Asia Strategy, and this new thrust could be utilised to increase economic and commercial relations. Indian businesses could exploit the opportunities of investment in Ireland provided by its membership of the European Union, its low corporate tax and its tax incentives for investment in innovation, research and new technologies. Not only that but Ireland is becoming a significant destination in Europe for Indian students for higher education, particularly for post-graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral studies in the areas of engineering/technology and management studies. About 1200 Indian students are currently studying in Ireland. Because of the high quality of higher education institutions in Ireland, there is considerable promise for bilateral linkages between higher education institutions, particularly in science and engineering. Concerted efforts are under way to promote and intensify such linkages. The emergence of India will benefit Ireland hugely in both employment opportunities and investment opportunities for Irish businesses.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Benefits of Multi Functionality System

Benefits of Multi Functionality System A project can be defined as a temporary measure that is undertaken to create a result. The term temporary means that every project must have a start and a set end date. The end is reached when the objectives of the project have been achieved, or it becomes clear that the project aims for whatever reason will not be met, or the need for the project is not now necessary. Many projects can last for several years. However, the duration of a project is set and would be unfeasible for the project to go on for an indefinite period. Most projects that are undertaken would aim to create or improve something that is needed most projects that are taken on are done for a reason.   For example, the project to erect a Rugby League Greats statue, of four Rugby League Legends will create a result expected to last for many years to come. One thing that cant always be predicted is that sometimes projects often have unintended social, and environmental impacts that far outlast the projects themselves. Project Background The purpose of the project is to critically assess what benefits a new system that has multi functionality would be to Vodafone. At the current time, Vodafone have three different systems that hold vital account information, customer information and network information, this itself causes various problems when it comes to finding a customers details. If the project were to be a success, we could see a reduction in wasted time locating customers details and an overall better organised structure of customer details. Project Aim and Objectives The aim of the project is to investigate and assess the need for a system for Vodafone that can incorporate new and old customers within one main system.   With an initial budget cost of 15 million. By conducting this research, it will give an insight upon what impact the incorporation of said such system would have on the business, stakeholders and the employees. At the current time, Vodafone use three different systems that hold vital account information and customer usage information, this lacks efficiently as has a negative knock on effect of advisors having to find a customers details in the various systems, which is not time effective and increases handling time. To have any kind of success the new system must include the following: Ability to allow just internal users to access the application without downloading any additional software Ability to interface with the existing two well established data warehouse applications. What advantage of a new system (business point of view) What advantage of a new system (Customers point of view) Example of other Business that have incorporated a similar method. Scope Currently, Vodafone use 3 systems for customers: Gemini Crystal VLTS Having 3 main systems is not ideal. Each system has a function that the other does not have, therefore all 3 systems are needed, what is proposed is to incorporate the three current systems to improve efficiency and overall cost. Gemini Used mainly for billing information and queries, would also be used for applying a credit and miscalculations on to account if there was a need to do so. Crystal Also has some billing functions but manually used for assigning faults to a 1st and 2nd tier technical team. VLTS Used for the barring of numbers and the monitoring of queues for problems that would occur on the network. Requirements The outcome of the project is to access the need for a new system the can incorporate all the key main functions of the old 3 systems. Quality of Project Reliability We would need the system to be reliable and to be able to cope with the demands of any tasks that it may need to undertake with large multiple users at the same time. Usability System will be complex due to the different functions it can perform, but must also be user friendly so that in order for the employees to be able to use it. List of Requirements Productivity Planning precision Precision in lead-time, etc. Staff have become frustrated with the need to use 3 systems for all manner of small to large tasks. This, in turn, is creating low staff morale and frustration. It is also creating a need for new starters to be trained on 3 individual systems which is costing the company more money in the long run. By assessing the idea of a new all in one system, this does would certainly create a more positive working atmosphere which in turn will make the workplace a happier environment and in turn happy staff = happy customers.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Entamoeba histolytica Essays -- Essays Papers

Entamoeba histolytica General Description Entamoeba histolytica is an ameba that feeds on cells in the human colon. It is the cause of amebic dysentery (bloody diarrhea) as well as colonic ulcerations. The infection is also referred to as amebiasis. If the organisms spread throughout the body via the bloodstream they may cause abscesses in the liver or, less frequently, other organs. Morphology The organism has two forms. The cyst is round and 10-20 micrometers in diameter, and contains four nuclei when mature. It is resistant to desiccation and stomach acid, and can survive long enough in the environment to be spread to other humans. When the cyst reaches the large intestine, it excysts and the four nuclei present in the cyst become four separate amebae, each of which undergoes binary fission immediately; thus the ingestion of a single cyst leads to 8 trophozoites. The trophozoite, 10-60 micrometers in diameter, is the active form of the organism and it is in this form that the damage is done to the body. In 1994 the CDC recorded 2,983 cases of amebiasis in the United States. Transmission E. histolytica is spread by the fecal-oral route. This is achieved through food or water contaminated with cysts, oral-anal sexual contact, or occasionally directly in childcare centers or institutions for the developmentally challenged. The disease is found far more frequently in people from developing countries or travelers to such areas than in developed countries. Virulence Damage is caused by the lysis of epithelial cells, due in part to the insertion of pore-forming proteins into the membrane of the cell. Neutrophils and non-activated macrophages may also be killed and ingested by the organism, limiting the ability... ...that brings about a mucosal immune response could be effective. However, the lack of projected profit limits the interest of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Sanitation and hygiene are effective controls but often cannot be applied in many poor nations. Until a vaccine is created and distributed, Entamoeba histolytica will remain an important disease in mortality rates, especially among children in developing countries. References pharmacy school info on metronidazole and other treatments of amebiasis CDC MMWR from march 08 1985 General info World Health Org cost-effectiveness study on treatment of asymptomatic carriers with metronidazole

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Cuban Revolution Essay -- Cuban History Cuba War Essays

"They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?" -- Fidel Castro Introduction During the 1950’s, Cuba was on the brink of revolution. The nation, which had suffered numerous corrupt and oppressive governmental regimes, fell victim to yet another when Fulgencio Batista seized power under a military coup in March of 1952. A cry for a just Cuba, that was economically, politically, and socially free continued to echo throughout the island. In 1959, a group of radical revolutionaries, under the leadership of Fidel Castro, overthrew the Batista dictatorship and put in place the political and social structures that exist in Cuba to this day. Pà ©rez-Stable’s Reasons for Revolution Even after obtaining its independence from Spain in 1898, conditions still existed in Cuba that made it ripe for insurrection. Pà ©rez-Stable feels that one of the primary causes for Cuba’s problems was the economic instability that resulted from its dependence on sugar. This industry, says Pà ©rez-Stable, "was the most important depository of domestic and foreign capital investments" (14). Because of its short harvesting season, however, sugar was largely to blame for Cuba’s unemployment and underemployment. In addition, sugar was responsible for the nation’s continued economic reliance on the United States. The U.S. was Cuba’s primary trading partner. The Cuban and United States governments had established reciprocity agreements by which the United States would buy the majority of Cuban sugar in exchange for reduced tariffs on its imports to Cuba. Nevertheless, these agreements worked to the advantage of the U.S. while helping to preserve economic hard ships for Cuba. By the 1950’s, ... ...scouraged in socialist Cuba. Works Cited Castro, Fidel. "History Will Absolve Me"(excerpts). Closing speech in trial for the 1953 Moncada attack. Excerpt 1:From The United States, Cuba and the Cold War American Failure or Communist Conspiracy?. Ed. L. Langley. Lexington, MA: 1970. 26th of July Movement. "Program Manifesto of the 26th of July Movement". in Cuba in Revolution. Ed. R. Bonachea and Nelson Valdà ©s. Garden City, NJ: 1972. Guevara, Ernesto "Che". "One Year of Armed Struggle". In Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War. Trans. Victoria Ortiz. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1968. Paterson, Thomas G. Contesting Castro: The United States and The Triumph of the Cuban Revolution. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. Pà ©rez-Stable, Marifeli. The Cuban Revolution: Origins, Course, and Legacy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Perspective of Carl Jung Essay

The most obvious thing Carl Jung had an opinion was the psychology of the times, and how the mind worked. His main interaction of the ideas of the time was through his, what one could call, feud with Freud. Freud believed that there were two parts that affected human thought and action: the conscious, and the subconscious. The conscious was what we thought, believed, and other things that we were able to easily access in our minds, such as strong memories. The subconscious however, was everything that affected our behavior and though, but wasn’t easily reachable, such as recessed memories and thoughts and instinct. Jung’s system was a slightly more complex system made up of three parts: the conscious, the subconscious, and the general subconscious. The conscious was basically the same, but the subconscious lacked Freud’s instinct, and the general subconscious was totally new. Jung believed that every human being tapped into a general subconscious, which allowed instinct, similar reactions to things, and another key subject in Jung’s psychology: Archetype and symbols. In Jung’s psychology, he believed that there were many symbols and ideas that were immediately recognizable to people of any education, race or class. The thing was that since this was a part of the general subconscious, we were likely not even able to recognize that we recognized these symbols! This recognition may stem out of an emotional response, or a simple nagging feeling at the back of the mind, if anything at all. Another important pillar of the Jungian psychological ideas was the interpretation of dreams. Again, he ran against Freud in his ideas about interpreting dreams. The Freudian method of ‘free association’ allowed for any detail of the dream to be focused upon, and continually broadened upon until the ‘problem’ was found. The Jungian method believed that the dream as a whole had a specific purpose. The overall feeling, topic and main details of the dream were focused upon in this method rather then any individual one.

Analysis on “The Merchant of Venice” by William Shakespeare Essay

In life, things are not always what they seem. People may appear to be one way but turn out to be an entirely different. The romantic-comedy, The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare, shows the deliberate use of deception by the characters. Deception is a tool that is used for many purposes. The purposes can be harmful, protective or for personal gain. In The Merchant of Venice, Portia, Jessica, and Shylock are all characters who use deception to carry out their own motives. Shylock, the hated Jew, makes his living through the practice of usury and uses deception when Antonio asks to borrow money from him. Shylock agrees to lend Antonio three hundred ducats if Antonio is willing to sign a bond that would allow Shylock to have â€Å"an equal pound of [his] fair flesh†(I, iii, 145-146). He expresses the bond â€Å"in a merry sport†(I, iii, 141) and uses this bond to also show that â€Å"[he] would be friends with [Antonio], and have [his] love†(I, iii, 134). Though Shylock’s description of the conditions in the bond makes it seem as if Shylock does not mean harm, his intentions are to harm and humiliate Antonio. Antonio says that â€Å"[he] neither lend[s] nor borrow[s] by talking nor by giving of excess†(I, iii, 57-58) and is willing to do that for his dear friend, Bassanio. At first, Antonio is not blinded Shylock’s friendly pretence, aware that Shylock â€Å"is like a villain with a smiling face [and] a goodly apple rotten at the heart†(I, iii, 96-97). However, in the end Antonio accepts the terms of the bond. The cruel use of deception from Shylock is to help fulfill his intention of revenge against Antonio. The deliberate use of cruelness in falsehood is also shown in Shylock’s own daughter, Jessica. Jessica runs off with her Christian lover, Lorenzo. Jessica is â€Å"asham’d to be [her] father’s child†(II, iii, 17) and describes that her â€Å"house is hell†(II, iii, 2). Jessica lies to her father when he asks her what his servant, Launcelot, said to her as he left the house. Launcelot actually told Jessica to watch out for Lorenzo who would be coming by the house later, but she tells her father that Launcelot just said farewell to her. Shylock, of course, trusts his daughter and does not know that she is deceiving him. Another deception by Jessica is when at the night of her elopement, she is disguised as a page boy. She must do this for women  are not allowed to be out in the streets at night during the Elizabethan times. While leaving, she steals and gives Lorenzo some of her father’s valuable possessions. Later on with the jewels she stol e from her father, her mother’s ring is among them and uses it to purchase frivolous things like a monkey. Jessica’s use of deception causes much grief for Shylock not only because of the stolen jewels and ducats but also the loss of his daughter. Portia is another woman who is involved many deceptive plots many which occur during the lottery of the caskets. The choosing of the caskets is bestowed upon her from her father who past away. The lottery involves suitors taking the chance of Portia’s hand in marriage. A particular suitor, the Prince of Morocco arrives to take this risk. In this scene, Morocco pleads Portia to â€Å"mislike [him] not for [his] complexion†(II, i, 1). Portia tells Morocco that she does not mind the complexion of his skin and that he is â€Å"then stood as fair as any corner [she] ha[s] look’d on yet for [her] affection†(II, i, 20). Once he leaves, however, Portia says, â€Å"Let all of his complexion choose me so†(II, vii, 78-79). Portia sets an innocent and admirable face when Morocco or any other suitor is choosing the casket, but the minute he leaves, she mocks them; all except Bassanio. Although this scene shows a cruel deception by Portia, she did it to be polite as was expected of her. Portia uses this deliberate deception further in the play but in a more dignified way. In Act 4 scene 1, Portia dresses as a male lawyer in order to deceive the court and save her husband’s friend, Antonio. She must disguise herself because in Elizabethan times, women were not allowed to participate in law or any other profession. This time, Portia’s deception is not harmful, but is a far more selfless act. Portia sees that disguise is the only method to save Antonio’s life that is very dear to her husband, Bassanio. Dressed as a young lawyer, Portia manipulates the law with her intellect and saves Antonio’s life from certain death by of Shylock. Shakespeare made use of deception and false face in The Merchant of Venice because it is part of our everyday lives. All three characters deliberately use deception in order to achieve their goal. There are many different motivations for the use of a false face and these are shown in The Merchant  of Venice. Whether it is Shylock using it for revenge, Jessica to search for a happier life or Portia to encourage peace, Shakespeare’s use of deception is for the audience to realize that for our own expediency, society takes advantage of the false face.

Friday, August 16, 2019

To What Extent Can Logic, Math or Music Be Classified as a Language? Tok

To what extent can logic, math or music be classified as a language? â€Å"Mathematics  is the language with which God has written the universe. † Declares the Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher Galileo Galilei, when we think in modern sense language is a system of linguistic signs or symbols. In other words it’s the basis of communication. Some people communicate using sign language while others rely on gestures and facial expressions. Mathematics and music may also be used to communicate to some extent. On the other hand logic is only instrumental and it does not house any intention of communication.Mathematics is the systematic arrangement of numbers. These numbers could sometimes be used as a form of secretive code used for communication. Such codes are often used by agencies such as the NSA in exchanging valuable information. Many teenagers also use an alternative alphabet composed mostly of numbers and symbols, leetspeak (or 1337 ). Al though mathematics may be used as a language itself could be able to achieve true meaning while using such means of communication? Is it possible to use this nonverbal communication to express our feelings? We must be blind to truly understand the role of face to face communication in our lives.It would be impossible for you to use irony, connotation and metaphors. For example, if in our secret mathematical code 1446+ meant go away would there be any way to be sure if you said this in a friendly manner or not. This also makes everything vague and unclear. Raw information is put in front of you, you cannot have your own ideas you must accept what is given to you with no objection Music is an essential to most humans, it is a way of coping with life, and it sometimes may even be used to change the mood of the listener. Your mood shapes the music that you listen to.You would not listen to hard rock or metal after a recent breakup instead you will listen to romantic songs. You will also notice that some songs will make you feel happy. For example whenever I listen to a Beatles song let’s say ‘Love Me Do’ a fun/happy feeling forms inside of me. I do not believe that connotation of music is limited with its lyrics. Even when you listen to the tune of Bob Marley’s ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy ‘ you will find yourself feeling happier (positive connotation) businesses use this a lot in their advertisements in order to get the potential customers attention.Although music does have a sense of connotation and is able to shift your mood it cannot be classified as a language as the only knowledge acquired if any is acquired is one way thus there is no communication. For Aristotle, logic is the instrument by means of which we come to know anything. If logic is merely instrument of knowing can we say that it is a language? Could there be language without logic, logic without language? Since we use our own logic to understand the acquired knowledge and there is no intended communication except that of which is with ourselves.Therefore even though logic pays a major role in the apprehension of knowledge it cannot be classified as a language by itself. â€Å"Mathematics is, as it were, a sensuous logic, and relates to philosophy as do the arts, music, and plastic art to poetry. † Once said the German poet, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel. Mathematics and music are frequently used to communicate, but without knowledge it would not be possible for us to express our ideas and communicate at all. Therefore we can conclude that mathematics music and language are used integrated with logic forming communication. 0nur Basman () l/l V 2

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Jim’s Nobility in Huck Finn

Houlihan 1 Mike Houlihan Ms. Fledderman English H April 15, 2013 Nobility at the Bottom of Society Someone who is noble is defined as a distinguished person noted for feats of courage and heroism. The character of Jim in  Huckleberry Finn  by Mark Twain certainly fits that description. He risked his life in order to free himself from slavery, and in doing so, helps Huck to realize that he has worth. Huck becomes aware of Jim's sense of love and humanity, his basic goodness, and his desire to help others.Jim faces discrimination based on the color of his skin and is faced with the challenges of racist stereotypes. Twain characterizes Jim as a sincere yet naive character, representing the runaway slave as a fatherly figure who maintains his integrity as being one of the sole characters of the novel who wouldn't be described as hypocritical, despite the fact that Jim also retains a childlike mentality. Throughout the novel Jim expresses nobility through his selfless nature, his stre ngth to good while resisting evil, and his ability to bear with any misfortune that may befall on him or his loved ones.Mark Twain allows Jim to break racist stereotypes by showing more human qualities of him when he expresses his selfless nature. by assuming a role as a father figure to Huck, who he watches over throughout the bulk of the novel. Jim protects Huck by shielding his view from the dead body that turned out to be Huck's father Pap. â€Å"I went in en unkivered him and didn't let you Houlihan 2 come in? Well, den, you kn git yo money when you wants it kase dat wuz him† (320).This show of consideration and paternal care for Huck makes Jim out to be more humane. Jim demonstrates his humanity by not only caring for Huck physically, but also mentally and emotionally in shielding him from a sight that could have been mentally or emotionally strenuous on someone like Huck. Jim’s actions are partly a result of his inability to distance himself from the society whi ch he has been conditioned. There are countless opportunities for Jim to leave Huck during the story, yet he remains by Huck’s side.When Huck and Jim are separated in the fog, Jim says â€Å"When I got all tired out wid work, en wid de callin you, en went to sleep, my heart wuz most broke because I was los, en I didn’t kyer no mo what became er me or der raf† (85). Jim’s freedom is then not worth the price of Huck’s life, and let’s people know that he would readily risk his life for Huck. Twain represents Jim as a paternal figure who maintains his integrity as being one of the only sincere characters of the novel, while contrasting this quality with the typical stereotypes of an uneducated slave during the American slave era.Jim is one of the sole characters of the novel who wouldn't be described as hypocritical, for he has the integrity to do what’s right when everyone around him choose not to. After Jim and Huck decide to travel tog ether on the Mississippi river; the pair has to depend on each other for survival as they encounter  people who cause obstacles and jeopardize Jim’s freedom. For example when Jim is forced to accompany the king and the duke during their scams he says â€Å"But Huck dese kings o ourn is jus reglar rapscallions; dats what dey is deys reglar rapscallions† (153).Although Huck is simply putting on an act and appeasing them in order to prevent turmoil. Jim thinks that it is ridiculous for someone to be entitled to a servant and recognizes that this is wrong by calling them â€Å"rapscallions†. This could also be twain making a jab at slavery, which is Houlihan 3 ironic because Jim has been a slave all his life without asking questions. When Jim talks about his family, he mentions his daughter whom he had hurt due to the misunderstanding that she was deaf and dumb; this proves to be pivotal point in the novel to see what kind of man Jim truly is. Oh, she was plumb de af en dumb, Huck, Plumb deaf en dumb en I’d ben a treatn her so† (156). Jim, like most fathers wanted his child to have manners and due to his ignorance of his daughter’s condition hurt her, for he believed she was just being rude. After coming to the realization of her condition, he begins to feel guilt for being unintentionally cruel. By being simple minded and at the very bottom of the social order, Jim is able to see right wrong, while others who claim to be above him cannot see this. Jim continues to show his nobility by enduring the hardships that he is faced with throughout the novel.He talks about how he feels to Huck to the extent where he forces Huck to stop and think over how he treated Jim. After talking down to Huck after playing a trick on him, Jim tells Huck how he feels and Huck even thinks that â€Å"I wouldn't done that one if I'd a knowed it would make him feel that way† (142). After thinking this, Huck himself subverts the racist stereo type by humanizing Jim and acknowledging that the black man has the capacity to feel, and Huck allows his mood to be negatively influenced by the thought that he hurt the feelings of a man he considered his friend.Jim's condition as a human being is improved even more when Huck considers Jim as his friend, making him equal to a white boy. By making Jim equal to himself, Huck is able to humanize Jim and break the cultural perception that Jim is bound to. Another example of how the book illustrates this theme is when Tom kept Jim locked up as a slave when he clearly could have been set free at any moment. Tom was aware Jim was freed from being a slave but decided to keep it a secret. This caused Jim unnecessary poor treatment. Houlihan 4He was forced by Tom to do things he didn’t want to do. This is shown when Tom forces Jim to have rats, spiders, and snakes in his room. Tom says to Jim â€Å"But Jim, you got to have ‘em- they all do. So don’t make any more fuss a bout it† (263). This was cruel because Jim was forced to live with the creatures that traumatized him in his past. Though Mark Twain breaks some racist barriers with Jim, other stereotypes about blacks in the era are reinforced throughout the novel and Jim still maintains the strength to endure.Throughout the novel, Mark Twain both reinforces and disputes racist stereotypes of the time period through the portrayal of Jim as a noble character. Jim is depicted as a genuine yet unsophisticated character. Twain represents Jim as a selfless, paternal figure that is able to see right from wrong and maintains his integrity as being one of the only sincere characters of the novel. Twain contrasts this quality with stereotypes typical of an uneducated slave during the American slave era.Though he is a stoic character, Jim is able to span the entire novel as a father figure who protects Huck both physically and emotionally and, even after Huck plays tricks on him, forgives Huck and cont inues to protect him. Nobility is reinforced when Jim's simple nature is revealed in various parts throughout the novel. Jim's gullibility and his language relay the stereotypes of the antebellum south that blacks were somehow not people and were much lower than whites. These ideas become relinquished in the end, for readers are able to see the distinguished human being that Jim characterized.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Information Use Paper

Information in organization can be used in many different ways depending on the specific job you may have. Some information is used for the public and some is more private than others. Information is used for databases, business analytic s, business records, health records, fax, scanned and many more different ways information is used in an organization. Information is mostly used by sharing it though different levels of a business or sharing it because it is involved with more than just one specific business it’s usually a department. Information can also be used as a way of marketing or advertising.Even though marketing usually only collect certain information like name, address, telephone and maybe an email addresses for different things that benefits their company statistics. Some business ask for your information to send out coupons, special promotion or deal breakers that could get you to purchase products from them again. Database systems which are typically in every bu siness type and level use information to track specifics on what they need and use. Information is a valuable piece of data that can determine the outcome of something. Information flow in an organization can depend on how the organization is setup.The information can either flow up and down or side by side. Up and down is flowing through the different levels or managers. Side by side is flowing of information through departments. Both of their flow ways are common in most organization because it could be tracked by who have it or who had it. When I was active duty military, information flowed from the highest level down to the lowest and from the lowest to the highest depending on who was sending it. It was kind of like sending messaging through carriers to get it to the destination, which made the process slower than it really should be.In this case the information flowed through filters of people, the reason being is because they want you to try to get any situation solved at the lowest level if it is possible to do. The military have several database that stores information for different things for the purpose of tracking data. This different system record data that is inputted by different people depending on the level and skill type of the person. Sometimes we send information between specific departments depending on what the information contains. This way it doesn't get to department who doesn't benefit from it.When you apply for any type of loans this information is processed and sent to different departments and levels of the company. Once this process is started the application is sent to several different approvals to get them to say the big word. The concerns with properly controlling this flow is different information would be exposed to people who shouldn't see it, in other words have the clearance for it or have to correct training for it. When you send information like this it is not classified it is unclassified therefore anyone can see it, k eep it, or even give it to someone else without your authorization.In this particular case if the information is classified enough where certain eyes can only see it, the information would be encrypted for those who have the access to view it. I know for medical information, the doctors or receptionist have you sign a HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) statement for confidentiality and protection from other who should not be seeing it. Only those who are either on the HIPAA form or who have the right to view it such as doctors, nurse and you the patient. Another concern with information is being digital which means it is send over the internet for Wi-Fi technology.Many businesses either scan documents, fax them or email them which puts a big risk every time it is sent, because of cybercrime can occur. The military have several different filters and firewalls this information sent and received for this purpose of cyber-crimes. PlayStation network was hacked a nd all the information that was stored was compromised and some people might even have been a victim of identity theft, depending on how much information they kept of their file. How this happened was someone hacked their database and downloaded all the information was in it.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Compare and contrast the uk educational system to the educational Essay

Compare and contrast the uk educational system to the educational system in nigeria - Essay Example In UK the academic year is split into autumn, spring and summer and schooling is compulsory to all children between the ages of 5 - 16 years. The framework of education in UK does not have a curriculum for schooling at early ages, but it sets out sensible standards and aims of learning. Discipline is highly tolerated and students are usually effective and efficient in their studies. Education in Nigeria starts at an early age of pre-school and at the age of six years, pupils are allowed to join primary schools in which they graduate after another six years. Education is compulsory at this level and government of Nigeria usually aid in funding it with parents taking responsibility of purchasing school uniforms. After completion of primary education, pupils are awarded primary school leaving certificates and the best candidates are allowed to advance on with secondary education for six years. Secondary schools in Nigeria are not mixed and are either boy’s secondary school or girl’s school. This essay will encompass the various differences, similarities and conclusions to the education system between Nigeria and United Kingdom (UK) and will feature out the need for a transformed schooling system. Both systems of schooling are strictly and highly governed by formal British English where students and pupils are taught at an early age on how to communicate with the language and be conversant with it. British English is usually used by facilitators, instructors, teachers and Lecturers to communicate to their students and pupils during class activities, extra curriculum activities and all interactions within school and among its suburbs (Adeolu 2013). In both UK and Nigeria, school phases have similar names and all the stages of education between the two countries possess similarities in their structure. In both countries, there is a national syllabus to outline all what is supposed to be covered by students in order

Monday, August 12, 2019

Country Report on United Arab Emirates Research Paper

Country Report on United Arab Emirates - Research Paper Example The government of United Kingdom decided to end the treaty with Qatar, Bahrain, and the seven Trucial Sheikhdoms it took into its fortification. These nine states tried to form their own union of the Arab Emirates, but by the middle of 1971 they failed to disagree on the terms of amalgamation. In the August of1971, Bahrain became an independent nation and Qatar the following September. On December 1, 1971, the Trucial Sheikhdoms-British treaty expired and they became fully self-governing. In the December of 1971, six of these states united to become the United Arab Emirates. Ras al-Khaimah joined these states in the beginning of 1972. Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al Nahyan, Abu Dhabi’s leader, was elected by the Supreme Council as Dubai’s leader and President. The post of Prime Minister was designated to Sheikh Rashid bin Said al Maktoum. Geography: The United Arab Emirates is a confederation of seven emirates, each of which is ruled by a hereditary emir, and a single nation al president. The member emirates are Ajman, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai, Ras al-Khaimah, Fujairah, Sharjah and Umm al-Quwain. The United Arab Emirates is located in Southwest Asia and provides a border to Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman, between Saudi Arabia and Oman. It is in a tactical site along northern advancements to the Strait of Hormuz, an important trade point for the world’s crude oil. United Arab Emirates is situation between 51 ° and 56 °25? eastern longitude and between 22 °50? and 26 ° northern latitude. In the northwest, a 19-kilometer border is aligned with Qatar; in the west, south east and south, it shares 1 530 kilometer border with Saudi Arabia; in the... The United Arab Emirates is a confederation of seven emirates, each of which is ruled by a hereditary emir, and a single national president. The member emirates are Ajman, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai, Ras al-Khaimah, Fujairah, Sharjah and Umm al-Quwain. The United Arab Emirates is located in Southwest Asia and provides a border to Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman, between Saudi Arabia and Oman. It is in a tactical site along northern advancements to the Strait of Hormuz, an important trade point for the world’s crude oil. United Arab Emirates is situation between 51 ° and 56 °25†² eastern longitude and between 22 °50†² and 26 ° northern latitude. In the northwest, a 19-kilometer border is aligned with Qatar; in the west, south east and south, it shares 1 530 kilometer border with Saudi Arabia; in the northeast ad southeast it shares a 450-kilometer border with Oman. Even today, the land border it shares with Qatar at Khawr al Udayd is in dispute. The whole area of United Arab Emirates is about 83,600 square kilometers (almost about the area of Maine). Even today, the country’s exact size is not known because of doubtful alleges of many islands of the Persian Gulf. Since there is lack of accurate information on the actual size of several of these islands, and also about many boundaries of land, particularly with Saudi Arabia; the size of United Arab Emirates is still not decided yet. The largest emirate of UAE is Abu Dhabi which covers 87 percent of the total area of United Arab Emirates.